Este artigo est� escrito em Ingl�s e Portugu�s
English version:
I hope that this one will be quick... How many of us have tried to initialize (oninit -i) an already initialized instance by mistake? Personally I don't think I did it, but our mind tends to erase bad experiences :) But we have heard too many stories like this. A problem in the environment setup and this can easily happen.
Well, the good folks from R&D tried to keep us safe from ourselves by introducing a new parameter called FULL_DISK_INIT. It's something that magically appears in the $ONCONFIG file with the value of 0, or that simply is not there... It's absence, or the value 0, means that if you run oninit -i and there is already an informix page in the rootdbs chunk, it will fail. Let's see an example:> onstat -V
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 Software Serial Number AAA#B000000> onstat -
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
FULL_DISK_INIT 0> oninit -i
This action will initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server;
any existing IBM Informix Dynamic Server databases will NOT be accessible -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
WARNING: server initialization failed, or possibly timed out (if -w was used).
Check the message log, online.log, for errors.> onstat -m
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'
Message Log File: /usr/informix/logs/panther.log
Wed Oct 20 00:02:10 2010
00:02:10 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) '/usr/informix/dumps' has insecure permissions
00:02:10 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/home/informix/etc/'
00:02:13 Booting Language from module <>
00:02:13 Loading Module
00:02:13 Booting Language from module <>
00:02:13 Loading Module
00:02:19 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
00:02:19 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
00:02:19 Event notification facility epoll enabled.
00:02:19 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
00:02:20 DISK INITIALIZATION ABORTED: potential instance overwrite detected.
To disable this check, set FULL_DISK_INIT to 1 in your config file and retry.
00:02:20 oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization
00:02:20 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Stopped.
00:02:20 mt_shm_remove: WARNING: may not have removed all/correct segments
Very nice. It didn't allow me to shoot myself in the foot.
And if we don't have it in the $ONCONFIG?:> vi $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG> onstat -
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
#FULL_DISK_INIT 0> oninit -i
This action will initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server;
any existing IBM Informix Dynamic Server databases will NOT be accessible -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
WARNING: server initialization failed, or possibly timed out (if -w was used).
Check the message log, online.log, for errors.> onstat -m
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'
Message Log File: /usr/informix/logs/panther.log
The default memory page size will be used.
00:06:43 Segment locked: addr=0x44000000, size=224858112
Wed Oct 20 00:06:44 2010
00:06:44 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) '/usr/informix/dumps' has insecure permissions
00:06:44 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/home/informix/etc/'
00:06:44 Booting Language from module <>
00:06:44 Loading Module
00:06:44 Booting Language from module <>
00:06:44 Loading Module
00:06:50 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
00:06:50 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
00:06:50 Event notification facility epoll enabled.
00:06:50 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
00:06:52 DISK INITIALIZATION ABORTED: potential instance overwrite detected.
To disable this check, set FULL_DISK_INIT to 1 in your config file and retry.
00:06:52 oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization>
The same. So if I'm trying to configure a second instance and I point the ROOTPATH to an existing one I'm safe.... But this raises one question: How can I really re-initialize an instance? I know what I'm doing, so let me work!... It's simple... If you really know what you're doing, set it to 1:> vi $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
FULL_DISK_INIT 1> oninit -i
This action will initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server;
any existing IBM Informix Dynamic Server databases will NOT be accessible -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y> onstat -
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:32 -- 369588 Kbytes> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
Perfect! It allowed me to initialize it, and immediately changed the FULL_DISK_INIT parameter to 0 to keep me safe again.
This has been in the feature request list for years. Now that it's implemented we should be jumping up and down in plain happiness... But I'm not. Why? Because instead of sending the deserved compliments to R&D for implementing this I want more!
This is terribly useful, and will save a lot of people from destroying their instances. But unfortunately I've seen many other cases of destruction that can't be avoided by this. A few examples:
- A chunk allocation for a second instance on the same machine (using RAW devices) overwrites another already used chunk from another instance
- A restore of an instance overwrites another (either fully or partially)
- A restore of an instance on the same machine using the rename chunks functionality uses an outdated rename chunks file (-rename -f FILE ontape option). This file doesn't have a few chunks that were recently added. So these chunks will be restored over the existing chunks!
One instance was destroyed to bring this article to you... I'll spend another 30s to get the data back into it :)
Vers�o Portuguesa:
Espero que este seja r�pido... Quantos de n�s j� tent�mos inicializar (oninit -i/iy) uma inst�ncia j� inicializada por engano? Pessoalmente n�o me recordo de me ter acontecido, mas a nossa mente tende a apagar epis�dios traum�ticos :) Mas j� ouvimos demasiadas est�rias como esta. Basta um problema na configura��o de um ambiente e isto pode acontecer facilmente.
Bem, os bons rapazes do desenvolvimento tentaram manter-nos a salvo de n�s mesmos, atrav�s da introdu��o de um novo par�metro chamado FULL_DISK_INIT. � algo que aparece magicamente no nosso $ONCONFIG com o valor 0, ou que simplesmente n�o est� l�... A sua aus�ncia ou o valor 0 significam que se tentarmos correr o oninit -i e j� existir uma p�gina Informix no nosso chunk do rootdbs ir� falhar. Vejamos um exemplo:> onstat -V
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 Software Serial Number AAA#B000000> onstat -
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
FULL_DISK_INIT 0> oninit -i
This action will initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server;
any existing IBM Informix Dynamic Server databases will NOT be accessible -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
WARNING: server initialization failed, or possibly timed out (if -w was used).
Check the message log, online.log, for errors.> onstat -m
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'
Message Log File: /usr/informix/logs/panther.log
Wed Oct 20 00:02:10 2010
00:02:10 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) '/usr/informix/dumps' has insecure permissions
00:02:10 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/home/informix/etc/'
00:02:13 Booting Language from module <>
00:02:13 Loading Module
00:02:13 Booting Language from module <>
00:02:13 Loading Module
00:02:19 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
00:02:19 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
00:02:19 Event notification facility epoll enabled.
00:02:19 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
00:02:20 DISK INITIALIZATION ABORTED: potential instance overwrite detected.
To disable this check, set FULL_DISK_INIT to 1 in your config file and retry.
00:02:20 oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization
00:02:20 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Stopped.
00:02:20 mt_shm_remove: WARNING: may not have removed all/correct segments
Muito bem. N�o me deixou dar um tiro no p�.
E se n�o tivermos o par�metro no $ONCONFIG?:> vi $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG> onstat -
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
#FULL_DISK_INIT 0> oninit -i
This action will initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server;
any existing IBM Informix Dynamic Server databases will NOT be accessible -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
WARNING: server initialization failed, or possibly timed out (if -w was used).
Check the message log, online.log, for errors.> onstat -m
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'panther'
Message Log File: /usr/informix/logs/panther.log
The default memory page size will be used.
00:06:43 Segment locked: addr=0x44000000, size=224858112
Wed Oct 20 00:06:44 2010
00:06:44 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) '/usr/informix/dumps' has insecure permissions
00:06:44 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/home/informix/etc/'
00:06:44 Booting Language from module <>
00:06:44 Loading Module
00:06:44 Booting Language from module <>
00:06:44 Loading Module
00:06:50 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
00:06:50 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
00:06:50 Event notification facility epoll enabled.
00:06:50 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
00:06:52 DISK INITIALIZATION ABORTED: potential instance overwrite detected.
To disable this check, set FULL_DISK_INIT to 1 in your config file and retry.
00:06:52 oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization>
Acontece o mesmo. Portanto de estiver a tentar configurar uma nova inst�ncia e por lapso apontar o ROOTPATH para outra j� existente estou salvo... Mas isto levanta uma questao: Como posso re-inicializar uma inst�ncia? Eu sei o que estou a fazer, por isso deixem-me trabalhar!... � simples... Se sabe realmente o que est� a fazer s� tem de o definir para 1:> vi $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
FULL_DISK_INIT 1> oninit -i
This action will initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server;
any existing IBM Informix Dynamic Server databases will NOT be accessible -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y> onstat -
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.UC1 -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:32 -- 369588 Kbytes> onstat -c | grep FULL_DISK_INIT
Perfeito. Deixou-me inicializar e imediatamente mudou o par�metro FULL_DISK_INIT para 0 para me salvaguardar de novo.
Isto estava na lista de pedidos de coisas a implementar h� anos. Agora que est� implementado dev�amos estar aos saltos de contentamento... Mas eu n�o estou. Porqu�? Porque em vez de enviar os merecidos cumprimentos ao desenvolvimento quero mais!
Isto � tremendamente �til, e vai salvar muita gente de destruir as suas inst�ncias. Mas infelizmente eu tenho visto muitos outros casos de destrui��o que n�o podem ser evitados por isto. Alguns exemplos:
- Uma cria��o de um chunk para uma segunda inst�ncia na mesma m�quina (usando RAW devices) sobrep�e outro chunk j� em uso noutra inst�ncia
- Uma reposi��o de um backup sobrep�e outra inst�ncia (completa ou parcialmente)
- Uma reposi��o de um backup de uma inst�ncia, na mesma m�quina, usando a funcionalidade de troca de paths dos chunks usa um ficheiro de rename desactualizado (op��o -rename -f FICHEIRO do ontape). Este ficheiro n�o cont�m alguns chunks que foram adicionados recentemente. Portanto estes chunks ser�o restaurados sobre os existentes!
Uma inst�ncia foi destru�da para fazer chegar este artigo at� a si. Agora vou passar mais 30s a rep�r-lhe os dados :)